林信行のインスタグラム(nobihaya) - 3月21日 16時48分

English text will follow :

何もない場所に、百年後の森をつくると全国から樹々を集めて人工の森をつくった(今年を待たずに70年で立派な森に)。 今年はその百周年。11月3日の文化の日(明治天皇御誕生日)に向けてさまざまな催しが行われる。

第1弾が、明治神宮の杜で行われている #神宮の杜野外彫刻展 「天空海闊(てんくうかいかつ)」。
#日本博 との連動企画)

#船井美佐 #三沢厚彦 #名和晃平 #松山智一 の4人の作家に彫刻を依頼。

なお、明治神宮では同じタイミングで #サンクスフラワー展 のオープニングフェスティバルとして、東日本大震災の被災地の人々が、9年前に支援してくれた方々に花のお礼をするという東日本復興支援サンクスフラワー展も行われている。



Meiji Shrine celebrates its 100th anniversary this year.
A series of events are planned throughout November 3, the birthday of Meiji Emperor.
First of which will be an outdoor sculpture exhibition featuring Misa Funai, Atsuhiko Misawa, Kohei Nawa and Tomokazu Matsuyama.
While many museums exhibitions closed their doors amid COVID-19 outbreaks, these sculptures are installed across the 70 hectares (170 acres) forest and it would be rather difficult to get too close to other visitors.
It might also be a good visit to enjoy cherry blossoms from Tohoku.
Another event that is taking place at Meiji Shrine is called “Thanks Flowers” and is a thank you gift from the victims of Tohoku Tsunami/Earthquake 9 years ago.

The art exhibition can be a good opportunity to learn a little bit of history of Tokyo.
Many people may think Meiji Shrine is a native woodland of Tokyo. But it is not.
The place was a one big flat land with nothing.

As you may realise the shrine is named after Emperor Meiji, the emperor that modernised Japan.
When he passed away, Japanese Diet passed a resolution to commemorate him and Empress Shoken and built Meiji Shrine.
They have collected woods from all across Japan and planned to build a forest within 100 years.
They applied the best of Japanese forestry, landscaping and urban engineering in doing so.
The result? They were too good that it has become one of the best known forest in Japan within 70 years.


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