大英博物館のインスタグラム(britishmuseum) - 4月27日 03時37分

This week we’re raising awareness of the rich and distinctive cultural heritage of #Yemen, as part of a @unesco campaign in response to recent conflict.

The south-western part of the Arabian Peninsula has been a centre of culture for thousands of years, and the ancient South Arabians had many gods. Though the whole pantheon of gods is not well understood, we know that several tribal groups had their own divine ‘patron’. This beautiful bronze hand was an offering left in a temple as a pious act by the donor, and refers to the god Ta’lab. In the kingdom of Saba, the oldest and most powerful of south Arabia, the worship of Ta’lab included pilgrimages to his shrine and a ritual meal.
By the end of the 4th century AD monotheism – the worship of a single god – was spreading. References in inscriptions to Ta’lab and other gods were superseded by Rahmanan, 'Lord of Heaven and Earth’. Such ideas were influenced by Jewish and Christian communities that had established themselves in Yemen at this time. The inscription on this hand is in Sabaean, one of several related Semitic languages spoken in ancient South Arabia.

Follow the link in our bio to discover more of Yemen’s rich #culturalheritage and the @unesco campaign.

Bronze hand. Ancient South Arabia, 2nd–3rd century AD.

#unite4heritage #ancient #Arabia


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