大英博物館のインスタグラム(britishmuseum) - 4月20日 02時50分

There was a great fascination for automated machines at the end of the 16th century, particularly at the courts of the Holy Roman Emperor Rudolf II in Prague and Ottoman Emperor Süleyman 'the Magnificent' in Constantinople. Hans Schlottheim of Augsburg (1545–1625) was one of the most famous makers of these machines, and this automated clock made in 1585 is one of his outstanding creations.
This gilt-copper and steel clock is a nef – a table ornament in the form of a ship. It was designed to trundle along a grand table to announce a banquet. It is modelled on a medieval galleon, with sailors wielding hammers to strike the hours and quarters on bells in the crows nests. It also shows the time on a dial at the bottom of the main mast. Music is played on a small regal organ and a drum skin stretched over the base of the hull. The Electors of the Holy Roman Empire, led by heralds, process before their Emperor seated on a throne beneath the main mast. As a grand finale, it fires its cannons to produce a wonder of noise and smoke to entertain the guests. Although for many years, this clock was said to have belonged to Rudolf II himself, it is now thought that it might have belonged to the Elector of Saxony in Dresden.
This is just one highlight from the Museum’s wonderful collection of clocks and watches. You can see it on display in Rooms 38–39.
#clocks #watches #clock #history #nef


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