大英博物館のインスタグラム(britishmuseum) - 4月23日 17時17分

Recent underwater excavations at the mouth of the Nile in Abukir Bay, Egypt, have revealed two ancient cities, perfectly preserved beneath the sea. Our #SunkenCities exhibition tells the story of the extraordinary rediscovery of the international port Thonis-Heracleion, and the city of Canopus, famed for their temples which attracted religious devotees from Egypt and beyond.
After Alexander the Great’s death in 323 BC, his empire was divided among his generals. Ptolemy founded the Greco-Macedonian dynasty that ruled Egypt for the next 300 years. Like Alexander, the Ptolemies sought the support of Egyptian priests in order to be recognised as legitimate pharaohs. The Ptolemies embraced the Egyptian tradition of placing colossal statues of pharaohs outside temples.
This incredible 5-metre-high figure of a Ptolemaic king, discovered on the seabed, once stood with a figure of a queen at the entrance to the Temple of Amun-Gereb, the god who grants power to the pharaoh. The king wears pharaonic regalia, including the double-crown symbolising the union of southern and northern Egypt.
Colossal statue of a king. Thonis-Heracleion, Egypt, possibly from the reign of Ptolemy II (283–246 BC). Maritime Museum of Alexandria. Photo: Christoph Gerigk. © Franck Goddio/Hilti Foundation.
#ancientEgypt #ancientGreece #history


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