Leonard Peltier is an Anishinabe-Lakota Native American, and a political prisoner in the United States. He was accused — and wrongfully — convicted and sentenced to two consecutive life terms for the 1975 murders of two F.B.I. agents. He is currently imprisoned at the U.S. Penitentiary in Coleman, Florida, approximately 2,000 miles from his family and home in North Dakota. Peltier was a leading and invaluable member of the American Indian Movement. He dedicated himself to support the Oglala Lakota people on the Pine Ridge Reservation in the mid-70s — it is at the Pine Ridge Reservation where the tragic shoot-out occurred on June 26, 1975. Peltier fled to Canada believing he would never receive a fair trial in the United States. On February 6, 1976, Peltier was apprehended. The F.B.I. knowingly presented the Canadian court with fraudulent affidavits, and Peltier was returned to the U.S. for trial. A key alleged eyewitness to the shootings was Myrtle Poor Bear, a Lakota Native woman who lived at Pine Ridge. Peltier was extradited from Canada due to her statement that she had seen Peltier kill F.B.I. agents, Ronald Williams and Jack Coler. Myrtle Poor Bear, however, later retracted her testimony. Although not called as a prosecution witness at trial, the trial judge refused to allow Leonard Peltier’s attorneys to call Myrtle Poor Bear as a defense witness on the grounds that her testimony “could be highly prejudicial to the government.” In 2000, Myrtle Poor Bear issued a public statement to say that her original testimony was a result of months of threats and harassment from F.B.I. agents. The U.S. Parole Commission has held a number of parole hearings on Leonard Peltier’s case. It has always denied parole on the grounds that Peltier did not accept criminal responsibility for the murders of the two F.B.I. agents. Yet the Commission acknowledged, “the prosecution has conceded the lack of any direct evidence that you personally participated in the executions of two FBI agents.” Leonard Peltier is a political prisoner in the land his ancestors called home long before any white Europeans. Leonard Peltier is a Radical // (credits in comments)

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ミシカのインスタグラム(mishkagram) - 4月13日 03時46分

Leonard Peltier is an Anishinabe-Lakota Native American, and a political prisoner in the United States. He was accused — and wrongfully — convicted and sentenced to two consecutive life terms for the 1975 murders of two F.B.I. agents. He is currently imprisoned at the U.S. Penitentiary in Coleman, Florida, approximately 2,000 miles from his family and home in North Dakota. Peltier was a leading and invaluable member of the American Indian Movement. He dedicated himself to support the Oglala Lakota people on the Pine Ridge Reservation in the mid-70s — it is at the Pine Ridge Reservation where the tragic shoot-out occurred on June 26, 1975. Peltier fled to Canada believing he would never receive a fair trial in the United States. On February 6, 1976, Peltier was apprehended. The F.B.I. knowingly presented the Canadian court with fraudulent affidavits, and Peltier was returned to the U.S. for trial. A key alleged eyewitness to the shootings was Myrtle Poor Bear, a Lakota Native woman who lived at Pine Ridge. Peltier was extradited from Canada due to her statement that she had seen Peltier kill F.B.I. agents, Ronald Williams and Jack Coler. Myrtle Poor Bear, however, later retracted her testimony. Although not called as a prosecution witness at trial, the trial judge refused to allow Leonard Peltier’s attorneys to call Myrtle Poor Bear as a defense witness on the grounds that her testimony “could be highly prejudicial to the government.” In 2000, Myrtle Poor Bear issued a public statement to say that her original testimony was a result of months of threats and harassment from F.B.I. agents. The U.S. Parole Commission has held a number of parole hearings on Leonard Peltier’s case. It has always denied parole on the grounds that Peltier did not accept criminal responsibility for the murders of the two F.B.I. agents. Yet the Commission acknowledged, “the prosecution has conceded the lack of any direct evidence that you personally participated in the executions of two FBI agents.” Leonard Peltier is a political prisoner in the land his ancestors called home long before any white Europeans. Leonard Peltier is a Radical // (credits in comments)


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