Sarah Ramadanのインスタグラム(fightforgrowth) - 8月14日 08時28分

the day I’ve waited for since 1995: mom, I did it!!!! 👩🏻‍🎓 I MADE ABOVE MEDIOCRE HUMMUS 😭👏🏼

(also, welcome to my kitchen!!! I don’t know what I wanna call this series (ideas are very much welcome), but I think sharing my second love next to fitness (food) deserves a little pocket on my page🥖)

I made hummus the way my mama makes it, and I hope you guys drool over it like I do!😍


▫️3 cups chickpeas (my mom wanted me to let y’all know to cook dry beans as opposed to using canned. she’s feisty so please listen to her haha)
▪️3 tbsp. tahini
▫️2 lemons, juiced (opt for 1 if you don’t like acidity as much as me)
▪️2-3 cloves minced garlic
▫️~ 1 tsp salt
▪️~ 1/2 tsp black pepper

⚗️Blend all the ingredients in a food processor until smooth and creamy. Add water (by the tablespoon) if your chickpeas are too dry.

& then voila - you’ve gained deliciously creamed chickpeas and the approval of my mother 👍🏼

#howtogetyourmomtoloveyou #butifIusedcannedchickpeasidbedead #lebanesehummus #twasdelish #ryanapproves #sodidatlas #horray #okhopeyouenjoyed #dontforgettolikeifyoudid #ordontifyoudontwanna #freeodmofchoiceiscool #ok #thatseverything #hummusyoualreadylol #woww #terriblepunsarah #stopthatfrightnow


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