今回のレシピは餃子です? 近所のスーパーなどで手に入りやすく、日頃から馴染のある食材で作ってみました。ひき肉は使わず、ボリュームのでる厚揚げと食感を楽しめる粗みじん切りにした舞茸を使って作ってみました! 包み方も基本の包み方とは違う皮を内側に折り込んでいく包み方にしてみたので見た目も味もいつもとは違う餃子を楽しみながら食べてみて下さいね? 《材料 12個分》 ・ねぎ…1本 ・舞茸…1p(140g) ・厚揚げ…150g ・生姜…1かけ ・醤油…大さじ1/2 ・ごま油…大さじ1/2 ・味噌…大さじ1/2 ・塩…ひとつまみ ・水(包む時・焼く時)…適量 ・ごま油(焼く時)…適量 〔皮 12個分〕 ・強力粉…100g ・水…55ml 《作り方》 <1>ねぎ、厚揚げはみじん切り、舞茸、は粗みじん切りにしてボウルに入れる。 <2><1>に生姜をすりおろし、醤油、ごま油、味噌、塩を入れてよく混ぜる。 <3>皮を作る。強力粉に2回にわけて水を入れよく捏ねて30分休ませる。 <4><3>の皮を12等分にして丸く伸ばし、<2>の材料を入れ包む。 <5>温めたフライパンにごま油(分量外の)を適量入れ、餃子を並べる。 <6>餃子の半分くらいつかる水(分量外の)を<5>に入れて蓋をする。 <7>水分が飛んだら、蓋を開けておいしそうな焼き色がつくまで焼き完成! ---------ENGLISH HERE---------------- Today's recipe is dumpling. It is made with ingredients that can be bought in a supermarket and familiar to you. Instead of using minced meat, deep fried tofu and maitake mushroom are used to make a dish looks big in volume and to give a good texture. As I wrapped fillings in a different way, fold on the inward side, you can enjoy its different appearance and taste. [Ingredients] for 12 pieces ・Leek or spring onion: 1 ・Maitake mushroom: 1 pack (140g) ・Deep-fried tofu: 150g ・Ginger: 1 clove (piece) ・Soy sauce: 0.5 tablespoon ・Sesame oil: 0.5 tablespoon ・Miso: 0.5 tablespoon ・Salt: a pinch ・Water (for wrapping and frying): a proper amount ・Sesame oil for frying; a proper amount [Wrapper for 12 pieces] ・Strong (bread) flour: 100g ・Water: 55ml [How to make] 1.Cut leek (spring onion) and deep-fried tofu into fine pieces. Cut maitake mushroom into coarse-fine pieces. Then, put everything in a bowl. 2.Grind ginger into step 1 and add soy sauce, sesame oil, miso and salt, and mix well. 3.Next, make wrappers. Add some water to strong wheat flour twice. Knead well and leave the dough for 30 minutes. 4.Divide the dough into 12 pieces and stretch each of them roundly. Place fillings and wrap it. 5.Put sesame oil in a pan and place dumplings side by side. 6.Pour some water until dumplings are half-soaked and put a lid on to steam well. 7.Once water evaporates, fry until beautifully browned. #food #recipe #instacook #cooking #homemade #yum #delish #tokyo #vegan #gyoza #mushroom #料理 #ごはん #おうちごはん #ビデリシャス #ビーガン #晩ご飯 #厚揚げ #舞茸 #ギョウザ #餃子

videliciousnessさん(@videliciousness)が投稿した動画 -

ビデリシャス -おいしい動画-のインスタグラム(videliciousness) - 3月9日 15時59分

近所のスーパーなどで手に入りやすく、日頃から馴染のある食材で作ってみました。ひき肉は使わず、ボリュームのでる厚揚げと食感を楽しめる粗みじん切りにした舞茸を使って作ってみました! 包み方も基本の包み方とは違う皮を内側に折り込んでいく包み方にしてみたので見た目も味もいつもとは違う餃子を楽しみながら食べてみて下さいね?
《材料 12個分》
・ねぎ…1本 ・舞茸…1p(140g)
〔皮 12個分〕
・強力粉…100g ・水…55ml
---------ENGLISH HERE----------------
Today's recipe is dumpling. It is made with ingredients that can be bought in a supermarket and familiar to you. Instead of using minced meat, deep fried tofu and maitake mushroom are used to make a dish looks big in volume and to give a good texture. As I wrapped fillings in a different way, fold on the inward side, you can enjoy its different appearance and taste. [Ingredients] for 12 pieces
・Leek or spring onion: 1
・Maitake mushroom: 1 pack (140g)
・Deep-fried tofu: 150g ・Ginger: 1 clove (piece)
・Soy sauce: 0.5 tablespoon
・Sesame oil: 0.5 tablespoon
・Miso: 0.5 tablespoon
・Salt: a pinch
・Water (for wrapping and frying): a proper amount
・Sesame oil for frying; a proper amount
[Wrapper for 12 pieces]
・Strong (bread) flour: 100g
・Water: 55ml [How to make]
1.Cut leek (spring onion) and deep-fried tofu into fine pieces. Cut maitake mushroom into coarse-fine pieces. Then, put everything in a bowl.
2.Grind ginger into step 1 and add soy sauce, sesame oil, miso and salt, and mix well.
3.Next, make wrappers. Add some water to strong wheat flour twice. Knead well and leave the dough for 30 minutes.
4.Divide the dough into 12 pieces and stretch each of them roundly. Place fillings and wrap it.
5.Put sesame oil in a pan and place dumplings side by side.
6.Pour some water until dumplings are half-soaked and put a lid on to steam well.
7.Once water evaporates, fry until beautifully browned.
#food #recipe #instacook #cooking #homemade #yum #delish #tokyo #vegan #gyoza #mushroom #料理 #ごはん #おうちごはん #ビデリシャス #ビーガン #晩ご飯 #厚揚げ #舞茸 #ギョウザ #餃子


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