ナショナルジオグラフィックのインスタグラム(natgeo) - 12月7日 07時39分

Photograph by @vanhoutenphoto | After several days of travel across one of the roughest stretches of water on the planet, we came to a place that whale researcher Ari Friedlaender called his favorite place on earth: Wilhelmina Bay on the Western Antarctic Peninsula. In 2009, Ari witnessed the largest gathering of humpback whales ever documented in this very spot. Over 300 whales congregated here to feed at that time. After days of travel and no whales, we were all getting a bit restless. However, Ari had high hopes for this visit to Wilhelmina Bay. An hour or so into our search for signs of whales, we spotted this one logging towards the back of the bay. As we inched closer to get a better look, the whale rose up out of the water, took a look at us, and then slipped deep into the frigid ocean. This was the first whale I had ever seen up close-a moment I will never forget.

See a new episode of #Continent7 Antartica tonight at 10/9c on @NatGeoChannel.


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