ナショナルジオグラフィックのインスタグラム(natgeo) - 12月7日 06時48分

Photo by @Gerd Ludwig. Outtake from my assignment “The Putin Generation” in the current (December 2016) issue of National Geographic Magazine - a story which examines the attitudes and outlooks of young people in Russia, now in their mid-twenties, who were barely ten years old when Putin first became President.

Like many young Moscovites - Nina, a graphic designer, and her girlfriend Zheniya, an animal and bird trainer, occupy a small communal apartment in one of Moscow’s bedroom communities. Nina rehearses her performance for a Cosplay Festival, with Zheniya’s raven, adding a special touch to her costume. Cosplay, a shortening of the words costume and play, is a performance art during which participants wear costumes, masks, and accessories to depict specific characters. Cosplayers are a subculture who convene at festivals or perform on or apart from stages.
@thephotosociety @natgeocreative @theimagereview #Russia #Moscow #Cosplay #raven #costume #subculture


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