ナショナルジオグラフィックのインスタグラム(natgeo) - 12月6日 21時43分

54° 17′ 0″ S | 36° 18′ 0″ W
Photo by @salvarezphoto (Stephen Alvarez)
Reindeer Antlers Godthul Harbor South Georgia
Reindeer were introduced to South Georgia in 1911 to help feed the whalers who once lived on the island. The whaling industry is long gone from South Georgia and the government has gone to great lengths to eliminate all the invasive species that have occupied the island. The 7000 or more reindeer are the most noticeable change and their skulls litter the landscape around Godthul. But much greater effort and expense have gone into eliminating the rats that invaded the island with coming of the first sailors. Rats play havoc with ground nesting birds and since rat populations are being brought under control the birds are recovering.



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Angelina Boykoのインスタグラム
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