ナショナルジオグラフィックのインスタグラム(natgeo) - 11月5日 01時14分

Video by @bertiegregory. My time on Vancouver Island was drawing to a close. My search for the elusive coastal wolf was getting tense as weeks had gone by with no reward. In the back of my mind were the words regularly repeated by the legendary photographers and filmmakers at National Geographic, 'you're only as good as your last story'. This was my first, there was no way I could come back empty handed. My luck then changed as a local tipped me off about a recent wolf sighting on a remote beach a few hours up the coast. This was potentially my last chance so I packed my boat and headed up to check it out. Within moments of arriving, I found wolf tracks the size of my hand. Find out what happened next by watching this week's episode of my new YouTube series for @natgeowild. Click the link in my personal bio (@bertiegregory) or search natgeo.com/wildlife. #wild_life @Explore Canada


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