ナショナルジオグラフィックのインスタグラム(natgeo) - 11月4日 11時29分

Photo by @FransLanting On the frozen surface of the Southern Ocean, emperor penguins toboggan on their bellies through deep snow on one of their long journeys between their colony on the Weddell Sea ice at the edge of Antarctica and the open sea, where they will forage for food to bring back to their hungry chicks. Some colonies can be farther than 60 miles from open water and tobogganing is their preferred long-distance locomotion technique. They push themselves forward with their clawed feet. It’s a slow slog and very different from their lifestyle underwater where they rocket around like torpedoes as my fellow photographer and friend @PaulNicklen has shown with amazing clarity. Now these penguins as well as multitudes of other marine life around Antarctica have just been given an extraordinary gift that will propel them ahead. The largest marine protected area (MPA) in the world—covering 600,000 square miles—has just been declared in the Ross Sea off Antarctica. We are joyous! Follow me @FransLanting for more images and stories from Antarctica and the lives of the creatures dependent on ice.

@ナショナルジオグラフィック @National Geographic Travel @natgeocreative #Antarctica #EmperorPenguins #Ice#Penguins #Blizzard #HopeSpots #OceanOptimism #SouthernOcean #CCAMLR #MPA #PhotographersForAntarctica


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