ナショナルジオグラフィックのインスタグラム(natgeo) - 4月8日 03時10分

Photo by @martinschoeller
Martin: "What is your name?"
Fountain: "Fountain Williams. I was named after my grandfather."
M: "I've never met a Fountain before. Are you from around here?"
F: “Originally, I was born in Memphis, Tennessee."
M: "That's what I thought. Fountain sounds a little bit more like a southern name, right?"
F: "Yeah, yeah."
M: "How long have you been out in LA?"
F: “Twenty-six years."
M: "How long on the streets?"
F: "This time? A year."
M: "What brought you to LA?"
F: "I came here to go to school, fashion design school."
M: "And did you ever work as a fashion designer?"
F: "Yeah. I still work."
M: "You like it?"
F: "It’s just always been my first love. So I do sew some things... Mostly now I design things for my aunt’s church members, you know, little ladies that go to church. I do little copies of Chanel suits and stuff."
M: "Are you religious?"
F: “Yeah."
M: "Do you go to church?"
F: "Mhm, I go to United Methodist on Highland."
For more portraits and stories, follow me @martinschoeller


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