ナショナルジオグラフィックのインスタグラム(natgeo) - 12月30日 12時24分

Children play among the "beehive" rooftops in Am Al Aboud, one of a handful of ancient villages in #Syria that still have this architecture, which helps to keep heat in during the cold winters and cool in the blazing summers. Shot in 1995 for @ナショナルジオグラフィック #middleeast #documentary #photojournalism Photo by @edkashi #Syria before the war. I've recently watched as well as made a documentary on Syrian refugees, and all the heartache and destruction inspired me to go back into my archives to share images from Syria that reflect the beauty and calm I experienced since first going to photograph there in 1991. While the government and security apparatus were always to be respected, feared and avoided, the beauty of the country and basic goodness of the people were always my takeaway. It's a fool's notion to think anything good will happen there soon but I felt it couldn't hurt to share some positive, quiet visual moments. To see more go to @edkashi in the coming days. #middleeast #documentary #photojournalism


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