Instagramのインスタグラム(instagram) - 12月3日 23時21分

“Until the mid-20th century the Ruhr district was a coal-mining and steel-casting region, so the cityscape was full of manufacturing and factory buildings,” says Alexandra Kryaneva (@shurupchik), who moved to the Ruhr region of Germany from St. Petersburg, Russia, seven years ago. “The city of Dortmund is a distinct example of industrial Germany. It is a place of industrial beauty—old factories, foundries and railways,” she says. “When they stopped coal mining, these buildings were either demolished or transformed into museums, cultural centers or parklands. I love the architecture from late 19th century, early 20th century and the Jugendstil style—an artistic style that arose in Germany. One of my favorite neighborhoods in Dortmund is Kreuzviertel, where I usually walk to find inspiration. Compared with the big cities of Russia, the atmosphere is so calm—I love Sundays when all shops are closed and people spend time with their families.” Photo by @shurupchik


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