下條ユリのインスタグラム(yurishimojo) - 7月5日 14時37分

映画【遺言〜原発さえなければ】観た。 (日本語は⬇︎) Film "The Will : If Only There Were no Nuclear Power Plant"

800 days at Fukushima recorded starting the day after the disaster.
Recording the history of this invisible battlefield.
3 hours and 45 minutes, and the 800 days afterwards, that will not be allowed to fade away.

I watched this precious documentary film about OUR LIVES. It has to be passed on to the whole world to be watched because it's not what happened in Japan, IT'S WHAT'S GOING ON RIGHT NOW on OUR PLANET. If any of you are interested in hosting screening in your community , plz contact them ask for subtitles and spread the awareness --- especially if you live near power plant.

4時間弱にまとめた大切な命。ドキュメンタリーの力。過去の話でも外国の話でもない「平和な日本」の「今」の記録。日本から伝えてゆくべき事実。世界中の学校で観るべき映画だと思った 。


#NoNukes #fukushima
#311 #脱原発


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する



