下條ユリのインスタグラム(yurishimojo) - 11月10日 21時41分


I returned to NY yesterday with a bad cold I got in Tokyo. Being in bed, jet lagged, I feel like I am floating in between.

I am switching to the New Yorker mind and probably the attitude, too, operating in English. Am I?

I am frustrated with these language differences. I am shocked by Google Translate sometimes as it translates “beautiful sunset” into something like “killing a dog.”

I honor individuality, but I detest when the differences divide us. Differences in languages, conditions, statuses, looks, and beliefs divide and control humans to create misunderstandings and fear.

My Japanese friend didn’t know the English word “benefit” but knew the word “gentrification.” Another friend in Japan, a huge influencer, worships Putin and Trump from the random information he encountered because it was translated.

Now, I wake up in the morning at the tenement apartment in East Village, switching myself from viewing the sunset at the mountain cottage in Kyoto to viewing autumn trees in the L.E.S community garden. But I am one same being. And it’s on the same planet, and my neighbors are equally fabulous. Gratitude.

It’s just another rambling thought in mild fever. I’m slowly transitioning. Am I?

War is Over if we want it.



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