ナショナルジオグラフィックのインスタグラム(natgeo) - 4月6日 23時34分

Barry Blanchard ice climbing solo on Massey's, Yoho NP, Canada. Photo by @peteressick on assignment for @ナショナルジオグラフィック. Climbing, like photojournalism, is a hard profession in which to grow old. The body aches, the hours are horrendous, life's priorities switch from making first ascents to making it to your kid's high school graduation, and in the climbing fraternity your buddies won't even show up to your funeral if you die on any slope less than vertical. During the time I worked with Barry on my Yoho NP assignment, I marveled at the mountaineering skills he has in his mid-fifties. His days of leading expeditions to 8,000 meter peaks in the Himalayas may be behind him, but Barry still guides about 200 days a year in the physically demanding fields of rock and ice climbing, alpine touring and back country skiing. And even after accomplishing just about everything possible in the world of climbing, his love for the mountains seems undiminished. His approach to aging is not quite "just say no," but almost. He is currently writing a book of his climbing memoirs, and I plan to be in the long line to order a copy.


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