ナショナルジオグラフィックのインスタグラム(natgeo) - 2月20日 06時35分

Photos by @carltonward / A Florida scrub jay lands on the shoulder of evolutionary ecologist Sarah Fitzpatrick at Archbold Biological Station, where research over the past 50 years has revealed the intricate social structure and behavior of this threatened species. Fitzpatrick grew up at Archbold with her ornithologist father and has been observing jay families there her whole life. Living only in Florida, the species has declined more than 90 percent in the past century, primarily from the destruction and fragmentation of their native oak scrub habitat. Because of fragmentation, most of the jay populations are becoming inbred. Fitzpatrick and a team of scientists are working so mitigate the problem through a technique called genetic rescue, which involves translocating families of jays from larger, more genetically diverse populations to the smaller, genetically impoverished populations, such as in Jonathan Dickinson State Park, shown in the second photo. Shot with @audubonsociety @archboldstation and the @pathofthepanther project with @insidenatgeo.


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