マーモットのインスタグラム(marmot) - 2月1日 20時06分

During these cold and wet months, starting a campfire can be difficult. Here are a few helpful tips from the team here at Marmot.

1) Use 2-3 times as much kindling as you normally would.
2) Carry a small fire starter or a candle in your pack.
3) Whittle tinder into shavings.
4) Don't pile wet logs on top until you get your kindling to burn.
5) If snow hangs in the branches above you, ensure your fire is positioned away from the limbs. Otherwise, the heat will trigger the snow to melt, and it will surely dampen or even extinguish your fire.
6) Lay wet wood by the fire to dry as your fire gets going.
7) Elevate the fire off the ground.

We'd love to hear your hacks for wet weather campfire success. Drop-in your tips in the comments below!



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