ローレン・ハウレギのインスタグラム(laurenjauregui) - 1月7日 06時46分

Im in this in between state of complete shock and also completely unsurprised energy. I wanna believe this country isn’t what it is or what it’s come to...but it is. It’s here. And I think there is something quite surreal about the fact that on the same day these hell bent self proclaimed patriots storm the Capitol, the Senate, House and Exectutive branch are all officially flipped & Mitch Mcconnels’ evil ass isn’t final say on what the American people do or don’t get of their own tax money in a crisis. I look to the city of Atlanta. The organizers of Atlanta. The talent, the people, the soul, the spirit of Atlanta & what they did for this entire country. This entire process has been so incredulous to watch. The way these rich politicians tout all of the right words at us or against us to divide us is alarming. A clashing of propaganda. THIS to me is the result of allowing the truth to not be a core value in this society. America’s legacy is built on lies. They lie to us. Left and right. And there is anger, confusion, violence. The media sensationalizes this anxiety, amplifies it. And this is just a microcosm of the way every one is living in their own reality rn. Fact doesn’t have weight anymore. People will argue against blatant proven truth or deny truth with a blank stare in their eye. They will argue against the institution or for it with the same foot in their mouthes. We’re at a point where we’re all living here in this space in this moment right now & this is real life happening. There is real life archaic prejudice & blatant racism that has reached beyond a peak of insanity. There is no center of truth. That’s our root issue in America. That’s why this is allowed. Cause they lie to us, we lie to each other and then we lie to ourselves. This shit is WILD. Please protect yourselves and pray and cast some spells if you’re into that. I just feel like this is deeply something on its way out and we’re watching the last remains of it crash and burn. But those who know and those who have been watching, planting, planning, organizing, communing, advocating, awakening and creating the new pathways ahead of us will catch us all. #AgeOfAquarius


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




