ローレン・ハウレギのインスタグラム(laurenjauregui) - 12月31日 19時00分

Rewiring habitual circuits
Relinquishing control and handing everything over to my guides, ancestors, angels, light beings and most importantly, God/Goddess.
Reveling in the process.
Progress not perfection.
Keeping my energy light, clear and aligned.
Praying for alignment with the things and people meant to be on my path.
Mourning those that weren’t on it anymore.
Learning to let go after feeling with all my ferocious emotion, the water and moon truly rule my heart.
Found out I’m actually a Virgo rising not a Leo rising after watching my birth video. Resonating with how much sense that fucking makes.
Integrating my higher self with compassion, love and the patience I seem to have for everyone else who isn’t “perfect” in my reality.
Rewiring what it means to be successful.
Understanding it hasn’t got shit to do with what these mere mortals be up to caring about on Earth.
Moving into the Age or Aquarius with grace and gratitude for who I was, who I am, and who I will continue to become until my ascension.
Falling in love with myself in the solitude.
Exuding, feeling, being in love with life for what it is, not what it could be.
Watching childhood videos with a fervor to understand little Lo, what she was feeling, how she was thinking, what she loved and then doing them; reminding her that she’s safe, that she’s done things beyond what she thought possible, and she’s only just beginning (even though for her we’ve outdone ourselves with following our heart to this point)
For all the pain this year has brought, I am grateful for the transcendence, grateful for the clarity, grateful for the breath in my lungs, my health, and the love that I have cultivated.
Most importantly I’ve learned that’s all that matters. Sending you love. Happy Full Moon in Cancer🌬 the last of the year. The end of a cycle. The end of this year (whew thank you). Centered, focused, present.

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