下條ユリのインスタグラム(yurishimojo) - 3月12日 14時32分

“Memento Mori “
~ Remember your mortality : a personal requiem and inevitable celebration for honor of life

When Japan’s great Earthquake and Tsunami devastated March 11 2011, I was experiencing my personal parting at the same time. To see unimaginable appearance of the country of my birth, to recall the death of my whole family, I was reminded everything is transient. Life is impermanent.

Then I heard the news that Sakura started to blossom in the midst of debris. I was awed by the power of nature. I still could not find the way of output my feelings at that time but when I saw millions of fallen petals of cherry blossom on the side walk in Brooklyn, I started to paint each petals one by one. Simple repetitive act to express each petal healed me deeply and recalled monks counting each prayer bead.

By the time I stopped counting how many petals I painted, I started to see each petal as each life, each woman's soul, whose spirit had ascended from their physical being leaving loved ones behind. Prayers and meditation for repose, honor and heal women's heart. I conversed with each. I became them. It helped me as I was experiencing my personal transition.

In Buddhism, a phrase #諸行無常 Shogyo Mujo can be translated "all things are transient and impermanent.” This universal idea expressing temporal relationship with nature is can be found in daily aesthetics and spirituality in Japan. “May be we all humans are practicing for ‘Live in the moment.’”

I often think of death. Death of life, death of relationship... Since I was child, I experienced my families’ and loved one's death a number of occasions. Although when I think of death, this ultimate mystery always comes with the meanings of life. The death has been always the beginning, the life force and cleanse. Since this piece, Circle of Life became a fundamental theme of my work.
Because this is one truth to connect all humanity.

“ I pray to Bodhisattva in your painting.” The priest’s word was everything to me. ( March 11th 2013 at #HoneninTemple in Kyoto )

"Sakura 桜" (2013)
A series of five 38” x 52” circles,
Gansai Japanese Watercolor on Indian Paper



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