ナショナルジオグラフィックのインスタグラム(natgeo) - 2月20日 20時38分

Photo by Jeff Kerby @jtkerby | Russia’s Kuril Islands are beautiful but evening at this cave on Ushishir was otherworldly. We had just raced across the island’s lagoon to capture the visual fireworks with biologist Vladimir Burkanov. "We’re five minutes too late!" he muttered, smiling as always. The gulls didn't seem to mind as they caught the last rays of light before all went dim. I often think about the photo that could have been if we'd gotten there a few minutes earlier. Alas, we can only capture the beauty we see. This place seems so rich with life but would seem comparatively empty to a visitor from a few centuries ago. A reminder that beauty in the present should not blind us to the beauty that has existed in the past, or that can exist in the future. Follow @jtkerby and the team for more. #FromKurilsWithLove


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