SHANTIのインスタグラム(shantimusic) - 7月20日 23時37分

Played tonight and we hit again tomorrow night at @setouchievent from
5:30pm / 7:30pm
The ambiance of the event is very much family oriented and relaxed and enjoyable. Performance artists and all.
@keijimatsum0to harmonizes songs in a way that makes me feel supported. Fat harmonies lol
He was the first piano player I played duo with way back when before my official debut from Nippon Columbia.
It’s nice to be able to reunite and talk about where we are at in our lives.
And our good friend and drummer native to Takamatsu @groovedeeper (Nobu) came to support us! Thank you Nobu, so kind of you!


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する



