SHANTIのインスタグラム(shantimusic) - 6月26日 13時44分

Today I received a rather disturbing email on my fan page. It was clearly a projection of misplaced anger and judgement. No one enjoys that kind of email. However I understand that people can only see reality in their own perspective. I deleted the email and gave it no more thought. We always have a choice of how to feel in any given situation if you give it a minute and ask yourself how do I want to feel right now?
So these are my choices now:
I continue to be graceful. I continue to be kind. I continue to love. I continue to sing. I continue to be purposeful. I continue to be authentic and true to my inner compas through all of life and its waves of experiences and emotions. #wisdomquotes #affirmations #affirmation


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する



