SHANTIのインスタグラム(shantimusic) - 7月6日 21時16分

Back in Japan!
Sharing a snap shot from my signature workshop: BODY MIND SPIRIT ~Energy Clearing, Activation and Rejuvenation Workshop at the Co-Working Space Violet Flame in KL, Malaysia. More and more people are focusing on wellness and wellbeing today.
Starting off with a full body check and massaging the acupuncture points behind our neck.
In the workshop people experience an internal shift, in their own power of letting go.
Approaching the physical and metaphysical. Releasing negative dense energies and self destructive thoughts, experiencing being in full alignment with yourself and creating space for new experiences by taking holistic approaches using acoustic sound frequencies and meditation. Insights and tips based on scientific fact and ancient healing modalities.
In my two weeks in KL I was so happy to meet people working on and valuing their internal wellbeing.
The exchange I had with every person I met was magical. It was so rewarding to see people breakthrough old patterns or shift their mind set, and becoming more aligned in their own element. I loved and enjoyed so much of being of help to you all and hope to see you again within the year!
I will be hosting this workshop in Japan this month July 13th in Hayama, Kanagawa.
#soundtherapy #wellnessworkshop
#emotionalhealthcoach #mentalhealthcoaching #bodymindspirit #meditationworkshop

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