ナショナルジオグラフィックのインスタグラム(natgeo) - 11月11日 02時00分

Photo by Melissa Farlow @melissafarlow // #sponsored by @バイエル // Grit covered my glasses as I clutched the saddle horn determined to be as tough as the rancher I was following. As darkness fell, I could just make out Heidi Redd driving cattle into the night. Heidi ran a 5,000-acre ranch in Utah and was a respected, cattle boss, wrangler, chief cook and bottle washer, mother and public servant. At 77, Heidi is "semi-retired," but works from a saddle and still connected to the land. Her son Matt runs ranch operations with The Nature Conservancy. Scientific research and environmental endeavors enhanced by Heidi’s years on the land help give insight to the past while studies on flora and fauna look to the future. // The challenges of the future are being worked on right now. In celebration of #worldscienceday, explore some of the exciting ideas that are being developed to help build a better tomorrow. Visit natgeo.com/questionsforabetterlife.


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する





