ナショナルジオグラフィックのインスタグラム(natgeo) - 11月10日 23時30分

Photo by David Chancellor @chancellordavid | Amur tiger, Russia’s Far East - 95 percent of the global population is here. In 2005, the population consisted of 423 to 502 individuals, after having crashed in the 1940s to just 40 animals. By 2015, there were 540 of the tigers here. Anti-poaching efforts have been integral to the rise in tiger numbers, with tougher punishments for the illegal trafficking of endangered animals and their parts. Interestingly, and worryingly, a broad genetic sampling of 95 wild Russian tigers found markedly low genetic diversity. This lack of diversity is becoming an increasing problem across a multitude of species as populations crash, and are then brought back from the brink of extinction. A lack of genetic diversity increases the odds that a species will be vulnerable to disease, among other things. #notrade #noextinction- To see more of my work and projects follow me here @chancellordavid


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