ナショナルジオグラフィックのインスタグラム(natgeo) - 6月12日 16時00分

photo by @salvarezphoto | Located on the eastern side of Katla Geopark, Nauthusagil is an intimate canyon worn through the volcanic tuft of Eyjafjallajökull volcano. At times the canyon is barely shoulder width wide, echoing with water and filled with wind and swirling mist. In a place like Nauthusagil it is easy to understand why a 1995 survey found that 54% of Icelanders believed in huldufólk -Icelandic elves- I did not see any elves when I was in Iceland last month, but if I was an elf this is where I'd be. #iceland #Eyjafjallajkull

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