ナショナルジオグラフィックのインスタグラム(natgeo) - 6月12日 01時00分

Photograph by David Chancellor @chancellordavid - the perfect storm - a Leopard sits with a calf taken from a local village, northern Kenya - Carnivore numbers across Africa have declined significantly, and one of the main causes is direct conflict with humans. In northern Kenya they are especially vulnerable to conflict because they live in or adjacent to areas inhabited by nomadic pastoralists and come into regular conflict with local people over livestock depredation. Conflict occurs when they attack livestock and herders retaliate by fatally shooting, spearing, or poisoning them. While there is a wealth of research on human-wildlife conflict and management suggestions related to other pastoral groups like the Maasai, there is very little information on conflict in Samburu. With the understanding that carnivore populations, conflict dynamics, and methods for alleviating it varies from region to region, I’m working here with @ewasolions who are conducting research to address human-carnivore conflict among Samburu pastoralists to understand the unique factors that shape conflict in this particular region - to see more of my work with these amazing carnivores follow me here @chancellordavid @thephotosociety @everydayextinction - follow the amazing work of @ewasolions here #carnivores #conserving #conservation #northernkenya #kenya #africa #lion


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