ナショナルジオグラフィックのインスタグラム(natgeo) - 6月8日 07時00分

Photo by @Joel Sartore
Raccoons are curious and intelligent creatures with exceptional night vision and sharp hearing. They use their nimble fingers to feel stream bottoms for food, climb trees and to open containers and garbage cans. A common diet for them consists of fruits and nuts, insects, fish, small rodents, frogs, bird eggs, and human garbage. Living 10 to 15 years in the wild, this species is almost exclusively nocturnal. Raccoons sleep during the day and in cold winter periods, they may sleep for an extended period though they do not hibernate. They prefer wooded areas near lakes or streams though can live practically anywhere as they adapt well to human habitats as long as there is ready access to water. Their ease in adaptability to a variety of habitats has contributed to expansion of the population in numbers and range--they're one of the most common North America mammals. To see another image of this raccoon visit @Joel Sartore
#raccoon #photoark #nocturnalanimals


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