ナショナルジオグラフィックのインスタグラム(natgeo) - 5月17日 07時10分

By @randyolson | Life on layers of single-use plastic in the Chinatown slum in Manila is exacerbated by the sachets of shampoo and other toiletries containing a single dose. The sachets are not recyclable. The right side of the first photo is actually a stream, but you can’t see the water because it’s covered in plastic and other trash. The second photo gives a better view of the same stream. The third and fourth photographs are from the plastic recycling area of the Baseco slums in Manila. All of these photos are on the Pasig River watershed that feeds into Manila Bay. This mismanaged waste, cited in many reports, is why the Pasig is one of the top three rivers on the planet moving plastic into the ocean. #PlanetorPlastic
These images are part of a multiyear effort to raise awareness about the global plastic waste crisis. Learn what you can do to help. Take Your Pledge: natgeo.com/environment/plasticpledge


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