ナショナルジオグラフィックのインスタグラム(natgeo) - 5月17日 03時23分

By @RandyOlson | Even the best automated recycling processes create imperfect bales of plastic. In places like Dhaka, Bangladesh, humans manually sort the red plastic bottle caps from the green ones or the blue ones. Third-world recycled trash can be near-perfect because of all the hand labor, and it is preferred by countries like China, which uses large amounts of plastic waste for their recycled products. What I did not understand about hand labor recycling (photos 1 and 2) was what a wasteland it could make in the environment around it (photo 3). The indifference to the landscape extends to these massive recycling areas in Bangladesh where there are no rules concerning throwing unusable plastic waste into the adjacent wetlands. It couldn’t be a more different scene at @Recology’s advanced automated recycling plant in San Francisco (photo 4). _________
These images are part of a multiyear effort to raise awareness about the global plastic waste crisis. Learn what you can do to help. Take Your Pledge: natgeo.com/environment/plasticpledge


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