[#cafemiru_愛知] —————————————————————— パティシエのこだわりがつまったケーキと深煎り珈琲が人気のお店「Cake&Cafe NICOL」??‍???‍??  *土日限定* ☑︎ミルクレープ 700yen  クレープ生地と生クリームの層の間に新鮮なフルーツとスポンジがサンドされていて、とにかくボリューム満点。見た目にも楽しめる可愛らしいスイーツです?  ウッド調のおしゃれな内装と可愛い食器に女性の心鷲掴み…!素敵なカフェ時間が過ごせること間違いなしですね♫大人気の深煎り珈琲と一緒に、ぜひ堪能してみてはいかがでしょうか?  We introduce the pastry cafe,"Cake&Cafe NICOL" in tsuruma ,Nagoya. IT is popular for handmade cake, backed sweets and specialty drip coffee. Those sweets is made by a pastry. He doesn't meal prep cakes, so make a new cake since those are run short. So which cake are arranged depends on timing. The popular menu,"Mill crepe" is so amazing volume. Plenty of fruit and sponge are packed in the layer between dough of crep and fresh cream. You can enjoy relaxing cafe time with wood taste interior and fashionable tea cup here. Its elaborate coffee is having a good reputation, so you can try cake and coffee combo.   ?Cake&Cafe NICOL ⚪︎住所 / 愛知県名古屋市中区千代田3-20-10 ⚪︎営業時間 / 12:00-20:00 ⚪︎電話番号 / 052-331-9815 ⚪︎定休日 / 不定休 ⚪︎アクセス / 鶴舞駅 6番出口 徒歩5分 ⚪︎禁煙・喫煙 / 完全禁煙 ⚪︎駐車場 / 無  ☕️ @cake_cafe_nicol ? @chiiiiip_lov —————————————————————— Cafemiruでは「#インスタ探検隊」or「#cafemiru」をタグ付けしているカフェ写真から、運営スタッフが厳選してご紹介しています??

cafemiru.jpさん(@cafemiru.jp)が投稿した動画 -

Beaustagrammerのインスタグラム(cafemiru.jp) - 4月18日 18時30分

パティシエのこだわりがつまったケーキと深煎り珈琲が人気のお店「Cake&Cafe NICOL」??‍???‍??

☑︎ミルクレープ 700yen



We introduce the pastry cafe,"Cake&Cafe NICOL" in tsuruma ,Nagoya.
IT is popular for handmade cake, backed sweets and specialty drip coffee.
Those sweets is made by a pastry. He doesn't meal prep cakes, so make a new cake since those are run short.
So which cake are arranged depends on timing.
The popular menu,"Mill crepe" is so amazing volume.
Plenty of fruit and sponge are packed in the layer between dough of crep and fresh cream.
You can enjoy relaxing cafe time with wood taste interior and fashionable tea cup here.
Its elaborate coffee is having a good reputation, so you can try cake and coffee combo.

?Cake&Cafe NICOL
⚪︎住所 / 愛知県名古屋市中区千代田3-20-10
⚪︎営業時間 / 12:00-20:00
⚪︎電話番号 / 052-331-9815
⚪︎定休日 / 不定休
⚪︎アクセス / 鶴舞駅 6番出口 徒歩5分
⚪︎禁煙・喫煙 / 完全禁煙
⚪︎駐車場 / 無

☕️ @cake_cafe_nicol
? @chiiiiip_lov


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




