ナショナルジオグラフィックのインスタグラム(natgeo) - 1月18日 11時28分

Photo by @mishkusk (Michaela Skovranova)

The Crown of thorns starfish is native to coral reefs in the Indo-Pacific region. It's a marine invertebrate that feeds on coral.
On healthy coral reefs,  Crown of thorns plays an important role, as it tends to feed on the fastest growing corals allowing slower growing coral species to form colonies however in recent years populations have reached plague proportions and have devastated large areas of live coral in a very short period. Each night the nocturnal starfish can eat its own body area in coral. Combined with the challenges of climate change, the Crown of Thorns poses another significant threat to our reef systems. #coralreef #australia #greatbarrierreef #underwater #ocean #crownofthorns


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