ナショナルジオグラフィックのインスタグラム(natgeo) - 1月18日 06時46分

Photo by @williamalbertallard // Brazil, 1988

Her name is Bernice and she had hair the color of farm butter. Only 12 and she has been stricken with malaria 15 times in the year. She and her family had been living in the Brazilian rainforest frontier of Rondonia, trying to make a living off a small farm. You could see the sickness in her eyes that were not green, not hazel, but a rare mixture of both. I made many portraits of her before I noticed the marks on the palm of her hand, written in blue. Notes for a test she was supposed to take at school but she couldn’t go because of the malaria attack. I wonder now if her family is still there?

#followme @williamalbertallard for more images from Brazil and other assignments spanning five decades.
#brazil #brazilian #child #girl #portraitphotography #filmphotography


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