ナショナルジオグラフィックのインスタグラム(natgeo) - 4月18日 01時40分

Video by @Joel Sartore | A critically endangered Singapore crab at Singapore Zoo.
This crab is threatened mainly by water pollution and loss of forest cover. Acidification of the streams they live in as well as the lowering water table have contributed to the decline of this species. Thankfully, Bukit Timah Hill and the associated stream systems in Jungle Fall Valley continue to be conserved and studied in efforts to maintain the populations of many species there, including the Singapore crab. The Singapore Zoo is leading the effort with a captive breeding program to help save the species as well.
To see an image of this crab, check out @Joel Sartore!
#singaporecrab #crab #Singapore #photoark #natgeo


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