ナショナルジオグラフィックのインスタグラム(natgeo) - 11月16日 00時09分

Photo by @BrianSkerry.
A Red Pigfish swims through a school of Blue Maomao in New Zealand’s Poor Knights Islands. This region was protected as a no-take marine reserve in the 1980s and because of this protection, marine life in the regional has rebounded. Marine reserves are replenishment zones for fish and other wildlife, serving as barriers to dangerous weather and fighting the adverse effects of climate change and ocean acidification.
Approximately 98% of Earth’s biosphere - the places where life can exist on the planet - is ocean and yet only about 3% is protected. When we consider that every other breath that a human takes comes from the sea - more than 50% of the oxygen we need to live - it becomes clear that protecting more of the ocean is in our species' best interest. The ocean has the ability to heal itself and restore, but it needs our help.

To learn more about ocean conservation efforts, and to see more underwater photography, follow me, @BrianSkerry, on Instagram.

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