ナショナルジオグラフィックのインスタグラム(natgeo) - 11月15日 05時45分

Photo by @Cory Richards. The cost of land mines is so high and the effects so diabolical, it’s hard to imagine that our species still produces these weapons. Of the millions of mines placed in the ground in Angola during the war, almost all of their efficacy is unloaded on innocent civilians, as evidenced by this young woman who lost most of her left leg and almost all of her vision as she collected firewood near her home. The war left tens of thousands of mines waiting dormant in the ground. Many of them aren’t designed to kill, but simply to explode the leg below the knee as seen here. By maiming a person on the battlefield, it diverts resources and creates holes in a defense/offense. With the war over, organizations like @thehalotrust have been working tirelessly to remove the weapons. Sadly, people and families are still destroyed quite regularly. Adding complexity to the issue, once an area is cleared of mines, it is almost immediately deforested for charcoal and farming. It’s a prolific catch 22. // Shot on assignment for @ナショナルジオグラフィック profiling the source of the Okavango Delta's water in the Angolan highlands. The team, lead by Steven Boyes PhD traveled over 1,200 miles by Mekoro doing the first descent of the Cuito river and mega transect of the Okavango's source, its outlet in the delta, and its ultimate end in Makgadikgadi Pans. More from this assignment at @Cory Richards.


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Angelina Boykoのインスタグラム
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