ナショナルジオグラフィックのインスタグラム(natgeo) - 10月17日 02時09分

Photo by @paleyphoto | Twice a day, young Ayeem Khan milks the family's yaks in Afghanistan's Pamir Mountains. For survival at high altitude, the isolated Afghan Kyrgyz nomadic community depends on their herds of yaks, sheep, goats and camels. Some milk curd will be dried for use in winter, when yaks give less.
@landolakesinc sees their purpose as bigger than what they do from farm-to-fork. As a farmer-owned dairy, feed and agriculture business, they are working to sustainably feed human progress in order to meet the challenge of feeding 9.6 billion people by 2050. In partnership with @landolakesinc. #WorldFoodDay #WFD2016


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