ナショナルジオグラフィックのインスタグラム(natgeo) - 9月26日 08時40分

Photo by @Cory Richards. Si LaUda and his father Mbo Tadi ocotpus fishing in Indonesia. For most, the subsistence fishing that supported all Bajo is a bygone practice. But for some, it is still very much a part of everyday life. The Indonesian government has been stuck between a rock and a hardplace, managing once nomadic peoples and mandating a 'permanent' residence.  This has had dire effects on marine life in the areas surrounding the settlements, leading to unsustainable practices such as bomb fishing. With education however, some of those practices can be mitigated. /#NatGeoInspires Curiosity / Share your experiences of curiosity using #NatGeoInspires in the lead up to the release of the new @natgeobook for a chance to have your image featured in the @natgeomuseum in DC and more. Details + portrait of Mbo Tadi with his wood and glass goggles at @Cory Richards


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