ナショナルジオグラフィックのインスタグラム(natgeo) - 3月29日 21時48分

Photo by @renaeffendiphoto Rena Effendi: "Last summer in Idomeni, Greece near the border with Macedonia I met two girls. They were university students from Aleppo, Syria, both refugees on their way to Germany. They got stuck in Idomeni for a few days waiting for a chance to cross the border. At first they refused to be photographed: "We've been sleeping in a field for four days! We are tired, our hair is a mess!!" - they complained. It took me awhile to convince them that they looked beautiful in spite of all the hardship they had to endure on their journey. This was June 2015, that week I watched a few hundred people sleeping in the fields of Idomeni. Next day, the girls were gone and I assumed that they were able to cross. Today in the same fields where I met them, more than 10,000 people are stranded in a makeshift camp of horrible living conditions, inadequate food and water supply, outbreaks of deseases and poor sanitation. The border is closed and refugee families have been living in hopeless squalor for over a month." @natgeocreative @thephotosociety #refugees #refugeecrisis #syria #iraq #greece #eu #supportrefugees


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