ナショナルジオグラフィックのインスタグラム(natgeo) - 3月17日 20時44分

Photo by @Tim Laman. A Whooper Swan comes in for a landing on frozen Lake Kusharo, Hokkaido, at the edge of the shadow from a low cloud. The Whooper Swan is one of the heaviest of all flying birds, yet still manages to appear very graceful. They breed further north, but many spend their winters in Hokkaido, where they can still find open water. Even this lake, Lake Kusharo, has a section that never freezes due to volcanic hot springs. The swans require water to live in because they are so heavy they can not be supported by their legs for extended periods of time. See more of Japan’s Winter Wildlife by following @Tim Laman. #swan, #Hokkaido, #Japan, @NatGeoCreative, @thephotosociety


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