ナショナルジオグラフィックのインスタグラム(natgeo) - 12月24日 20時33分

Photo by @martinschoeller. Martin: “So you’re living on the street?”
Emily: “I live in my truck, yes. It’s a big suburban.”
M: “How long have you been living in the truck?”
E: “I got the truck about a year and a half ago. So before that I was a hitchhiker and I went all over the country. I’ve been to Pennsylvania, so beautiful.”
M: “All by yourself?”
E: “Well no, it was with my boyfriend. I never travel alone because I’m a girl and I think that can be very dicey.”
M: “And looking for a job? Is that tough out here?”
E: “I found a job. I work at Panera Bread. And they just recently found out that I live in my truck, but I always keep myself very clean. I shower regularly. They don’t mind ‘cause they know I’m trying to step up and get an apartment. I’m not gonna stay in my truck forever.” Please donate today to support the Greater West Hollywood Food Coalition and help people like Emily get back on their feet. @gwhfc


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