ナショナルジオグラフィックのインスタグラム(natgeo) - 12月12日 03時20分

Rosalee: “I used to be really bad in drug use.”
Martin: “You did drugs for a couple years?”
R: “Since I was thirteen.”
M: “What was the drug of choice?”
R: “Methamphetamine.”
M: “Do you still do it sometimes?”
R: “No, I am seventy-nine days sober. Yeah, it’s been a road but I’m so happy to be sober now. I’ve lost my mom and because of drug use I wasn’t able to spend time with her so I made her a promise when I talked to her on the phone before she passed away that I would get sober.”
M: “You started at thirteen?”
R: “Yeah.”
M: “What brought you to it?”
R: “My mom was a really bad crack head. Money went towards the drugs and before you knew it there was no food in the house and so I found myself stealing from my mom to feed me and my brother. And a friend of mine sniffed a line in front of me and I was like, what’s that? Does it take care of hunger pains and he’s like yeah. And I was like, umm, can I try? And one of my friends said no and the other one said yes and so I went with the one that said yes and tried it and from there on everything was just down hill.” .
The Greater West Hollywood Food Coalition @gwhfc helps people like Rosalee get back on their feet. Want to help make a difference? For details and more portraits follow me: @martinschoeller.


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