ナショナルジオグラフィックのインスタグラム(natgeo) - 9月28日 08時00分

Photograph by @paulnicklen while on assignment in #Alaska this week for @ナショナルジオグラフィック. This calf was the most curious of all of the orcas in the pod. I will be sending these photographs to the local orca scientists tonight so they can identify the pod. I have a feeling that they are transient orcas (killer whales) based on the shape of their dorsal fins and on how much they loved to harass birds and sea otters. To ‘watch’ orcas in the wild is one thing, however, when a single animal like this calf comes over to the boat, rolls onto its side and makes eye contact, a feeling of humility and gratitude washes over me every time. Truly a gift from the sea. I am posting my favorite image from this encounter on @paulnicklen tonight so please feel free to #follow me to see and learn a lot more about these apex predators. #orcas #nature #wildlife #alaska #smile #gratitude #explore @natgeocreative


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