ナショナルジオグラフィックのインスタグラム(natgeo) - 9月6日 03時10分

Photograph by @Thomas Peschak Kira is a black Labrador that loves swimming with dolphins. I spent some time with her and her owners while photographing a group of uniquely "international" bottlenose dolphins, that regularly travel back and forth across the South African Mozambique border, for a natgeo magazine story. During our daily searches Kira would often be the first one of us to spot their fins breaking the surface. When the boat stopped, sometimes before I could get my camera gear organised she would already be in the water entertaining the dolphins until I also got in to photograph. At first I was disappointed that the dolphins head did not make it into frame but the longer I look at the image the more I feel that it somehow represents Kira's fate of never being able to catch up to her dolphin friends. This image did not make it into my Dec 2014 natgeo magazine story Cross Currents, but I find that is too fun and unusual not to share with all of you. #dolphins #dog #puppy #beach #fun #Mozambique #Ponta #DolphinCentreMz @thephotosociety @natgeocreative - To keep up with my ocean adventures please follow me @Thomas Peschak


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