ナショナルジオグラフィックのインスタグラム(natgeo) - 9月5日 21時11分

photo by @chamiltonjames (Charlie Hamilton James) A market trader holds up the body of a Lappet-faced vulture at a market in Johannesburg, South Africa. On the bin behind him lays the skin of a pangolin - possibly the most trafficked animal in the world at the moment. The markets of South Africa openly display the body parts of a huge variety of threatened species, seemingly without fear of prosecution. Vulture parts, particularly their brains, are used in the ‘muthi trade’; a form of traditional medicine. The brains are smoked or ingested by witch doctors and other people as they are believed to give power to see into the future. The future is not looking good for vultures in Africa where populations are in steep decline due mainly to poisoning; but also a whole spectrum of other issues that these slow breeding birds simply can’t cope with. Vultures in India and other parts of Asia have experienced some of the most catastrophic declines of any group of birds in history, recording up to 99% decline in some species. Time is rapidly running out for vultures across Africa and Asia so we all need to give them a bit of love. Today is International Vulture Awareness Day - hopefully if people across the world can change their perceptions of these beautiful and incredibly important creatures there may be some glimmer of hope still left for them.


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