ナショナルジオグラフィックのインスタグラム(natgeo) - 5月23日 03時46分

Photo @Cory Richards on assignment with @intotheokavango for @ナショナルジオグラフィック
A woman who lost her leg to a land mine working her crops nine months ago makes her way down a dusty road in Angola.
In 2002, Angola emerged from decades of civil war. Since then, the country has made massive strides in making a name for themselves in global markets. @halotrust has been working tirelessly in the years following the ceasefire to clear the rural areas of land mines.
In an odd twist, the de-mining taking place is opening up land that was once de facto 'off limits'. As areas are opened, people move in, and ecosystems are interrupted and altered. It's a catch 22.
Our #okavango15 expedition is traveling by Mekoro from the spring that is the source of the Cuito River in the Angolan highlands, southward over 1,000 miles to do a scientific survey of one of the most pivotal tributaries of the Okavango River Delta. Follow @Cory Richards and @intotheokavango for more images and stories from the next ten weeks in Africa. @thephotosociety @natgeocreative @エディー・バウアー www.intotheokavango.org posted from the field.


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